Monthly Archives: November 2016

La Cruz

Ok. So, for those of you who have asked, here’s what we did for the last month while we were in LaCruz –

During this past month, we attached, fastened, hung, pulled, wired, climbed, hoisted, unbolted, bolted, clamped, sawed, spliced, made, had made, washed, hung on lifelines to dry, emptied, filled, walked, bussed, purchased, toted home, hauled down the dock, handed-off onto the boat, listed, labeled, organized, bagged, stowed, cleaned, vinegared, arranged, rearranged, searched-for, found, got out, put away, fixed, repaired, cleaned, polished, threw away, in 85 degrees with 85% humidity outside (and in the boat as well), so we also ate out a lot as it was too darn hot to cook. Oh, and water-volleyball and Mexican train each once a week. (And now we’re in Barra).

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